4" Ivy Green California
California Green Ivy, also known as Hedera helix 'California,' is a variety of ivy that is commonly grown as a houseplant or outdoor ground cover. Here are some short and simple care tips:
1. Light: Prefers bright, indirect light indoors. It can tolerate some direct sunlight, especially in the morning, but avoid prolonged exposure to intense sunlight.
2. Watering: Keep the soil evenly moist during the growing season (spring through fall). Allow the top inch of soil to dry out slightly before watering again. Reduce watering in winter, allowing the soil to dry out more between waterings.
3. Humidity: Ivy plants prefer higher humidity levels. You can increase humidity by misting the leaves occasionally or placing a humidifier nearby.
4. Temperature: Thrives in average room temperatures between 60-75°F (15-24°C). Avoid placing the plant near drafts or heating vents.
5. Soil: Use a well-draining potting mix. A mix designed for indoor plants or a blend of peat moss, perlite, and compost works well.
6. Fertilizing: Feed with a balanced liquid fertilizer every 4-6 weeks during the growing season (spring through early fall). Reduce feeding or stop altogether during the winter months.
7. Pruning: Trim back leggy growth to encourage bushier growth. Pruning can also help manage the size and shape of the plant.
8. Propagation: Ivy can be propagated easily from stem cuttings. Take 4-6 inch cuttings below a leaf node, remove lower leaves, and place in water or moist potting soil.
By following these care tips, you can maintain a healthy and attractive California Green Ivy plant indoors or outdoors in a suitable climate.
** Images are used for general reference. Only the size in shape of each each plant will vary. **
4" Ivy Green California
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